
Showing posts from March, 2016

Split Ends Hair Mask **with Papaya**

Hey Ladies, So I have had my straightened for the past 2 weeks and of course this means I have some nasty split ends coming through (sigh)..... So I am going to let y'all know what I do to repair those nasty split ends and moisturise your hair leaving it feeling good with some awesome shine to it! So what you will need ladies:

Braids inspired by Cassie

Hey Guys.... So I saw this photo of Cassie (Ventura) on my instagram @brightoncurlyg <---- give me follow if your not already doing so ) and I just loved the way she had done her braids/dutch braids. She's so gorgeous and I thought i'd attempt to braid my natural hair like this (she has extensions in hers hense why they look so thick).

My First Ever Weave Experience.....

Hey guys..... So I thought I'd share my first weave experience which was literally 6months ago now.....

Curly Hair to Straight Hair

Heya... So I've been wearing my hair naturally curly for a few months now and fancied a bit of a change. I am going to straighten my hair. Now using heat on your hair is never good as it always leaves your hair damaged, dry and brittle.

Simple Finger Coils for Natural Hair

Heya... So instead of doing a general wash and go today, I have opted for some finger coils/curls. Some people's hair type thrives with finger coils and for others it may leave you with your curls looking less defined and if you are currently transitioning into your curls/natural hair...this will help to get you some definition in your curls.

Lazy Wash Day

Heya... So Sundays are always my wash day for my most weekends I'm excited to give my curls a new lease of life and a much deserving deep wash!  You feel good when your curls feel good and healthy!!

Perfecting Those Edges

Perfect Edges are definitely in! Now some people naturally have those perfectly slick baby hairs that fall into place without any help and then there is the rest of us who need a little extra help... So here's my super quick 2 minute guideline for getting my edges done....they are by no means perfect but you have to work with your hair and your own natural texture!