Split Ends Hair Mask **with Papaya**

Hey Ladies,

So I have had my straightened for the past 2 weeks and of course this means I have some nasty split ends coming through (sigh).....

So I am going to let y'all know what I do to repair those nasty split ends and moisturise your hair leaving it feeling good with some awesome shine to it!

So what you will need ladies:

x1 small very ripe papaya fruit (most larger supermarkets or fruit stalls should sell it)
x1 tablespoon of natural honey
x1 tablespoon of natural coconut oil (can use virgin olive oil as a substitute)

So you're going to start by deseeding the papaya and scooping it out (or peeling it) of the outer green/yellowy skin. I then chop mine up and make sure you're papaya is very ripe otherwise it will be quite hard to mash up (if it is too hard use a blender). One you're happy it is smooth go ahead and add your honey and your coconut oil.

Once you're mixture is done go ahead and lather it into your hair. Focus on your ends as that's where your split ends are and then work your way up. Ensure your ends are completely covered (you may want to use a towel or wear an old top you don't mind getting the orange mixture on....I was wearing a white top so I needed to cover it up as this can stain your clothes).

So once your ends are completely covered put your hair up in a bun and then put a shower cap or a plastic bag/packet just to lock in that moisture. Leave this in your hair for 20-30minutes.

Go ahead and was your hair and note the water will be orange so don't be startled by the colour haha! Shampoo as normal and then dry with a microfiber towel or a cotton top/vest/scarf (whatever you got in your closet that is cotton and oldish). There may be some papaya bits left in your hair so just give your hair a very good shake (shake it to the left....now to the right....bring it back now y'all and hey to front for luck).

So after this I just combed through my hair and applied Palmers Shea Formula -  Curl Repair as just a wash and go type situation. So after shampooing your hair and combing through it may look a bit straight/wavy instead of curly but don't worry about that (I promise when your hair is finished it will look great). I'll put a pic below to show the products look like.

Anyway so I just put in the conditioner above and let it dry naturally for 30 minutes and used a diffuser (I got inpatient with wet hair)......The results were great!! I am so so happy with how my hair turned out (P.S You may notice I had my hair trimmed at had some highlights put in by the hairdresser........don't worry she didn't use any peroxide so this is the lightest the highlights could go without causing too much damage).

Let me know if you try it and how it works for you! My ends feel great and the split ends are gone or they will be mostly gone!

Until next time,

Stay fabulous ladies

Love Curly G


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