My First Ever Weave Experience.....

Hey guys.....

So I thought I'd share my first weave experience which was literally 6months ago now.....

So just to briefly explain why I have never had any fake hair or weave in my hair. I grew up with a strict father who strongly believed in maintaining a child's innocence and never allowed anyone to as much as put a roller in my hair let alone extensions/fake hair. I remember going to school and seeing a lot of my friends (I lived in Zimbabwe, Africa for the first 12 years of my life) would have braids/weave in their hair an di always wanted to have them as well. Obviously the answer was always a no from my dad so my mum used to braid my hair which was just below my shoulders and put those little hair bobbles at the end.

So I grew up with everyone else in my extended family wearing weave, extensions, braids and chemically relaxing their hair which I was always envious of as their hair was always slick and mine was this little frizzy fro.

I did experiment with clip in extensions when I was at university (20 years old) but  that was on very odd occasions I would use them. I eventually decided to give proper weave a go as I just wanted to see what it was like and for some reason I was under the impression weave was easier to manage as you could just apply heat to it and your own hair wouldn't be damaged.

I spent 3 months researching what hair to buy and as I was wearing my natural curls a lot more I opted for the Mongolian Kinky Curly Bundles. I bought 18 and 20 inch bundles because when you have curly hair, your hair shrinks when its dry to about half its actual length (So so so frustrating).

Anyway so I went to the hairdressers house and sat on this super uncomfortable chair and I remember her asking me why on earth I was getting weave when my hair was so long already (my hair was about 16/17 inches long). She proceeded to braid my hair and she left out all the hair around my edges as I wanted to be able to still tie my hair in a bun (this was already so painful). After braiding it she sowed it together (my scalp had a lot of pressure on it this point). This is not my hair but basically what mine looked like.

After this she sewed in the weave following the pattern of the braids and when she was done I felt so light headed and my poor scalp was really throbbing. I got home and had the worst headache as the pressure on my scalp was one I had never experienced before and it was sore for at least 2 days.

After about 2 weeks my scalp was itching and I used anything that would fit into the weave sew-in to relieve my itching! I used toothpicks, fish tooth comb, make-up brushes because gosh when it starts itching it really itches! I never thought the whole "pat your weave" was a thing but I tell you I was definitely patting my weave ladies!

I had the weave in my hair for about 6 weeks and I couldn't bear to have it in there anymore. The shedding of the hair, the itching, having to spend quite a bit of time styling it to make sure the braid tracks are not showing and putting my hair in a bun was no longer as simple as it used to be (I live in my buns.....always my go to).

I wore the hair mostly curly but I did straighten it but the texture was slightly different from my natural texture and it gave my hair so much volume and this random poof where the weave was that it just didn't work for me.

But wait for it, the worst part was when I took out my weave! I washed and conditioned my hair and attempted to comb through it where the comb was not even more than an inch down my hair without getting stuck.

What I hadn't realised was obviously your hair shed's every single day and when you have your hair braided and sewn together that dead hair all just gathers together in your hair. So you can imagine having long hair and then it getting all took me about 5 days to eventually comb out all the knots. I had literally lumps of dead hair full in both my hands and my poor scalp was throbbing for a week.

I honestly wouldn't get weave again but I would definitely consider clip-in extensions or just a few lines of extensions into the back of my hair for length purposes.

Don't get me wrong there's nothing wrong with weaves at all just for me it was a bit awkward for my first experience. There are perks of having it like your natural hair is protected and it helps your hair grow a bit faster than usual, you can choose whatever texture you want to have (straight, wavy or curly) and you can always get the length you desire.

P.S my first weave experience was when I was 23 but at least I can say I finally tried it!

I would love to hear about your first experiences with weave and any challenges you faced that your weren't aware of prior to getting it?

Until next time,
Stay fabulous ladies

Love Curly G



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