Lazy Wash Day


So Sundays are always my wash day for my most weekends I'm excited to give my curls a new lease of life and a much deserving deep wash!

 You feel good when your curls feel good and healthy!!

Today was one of those days when you wake up in the morning and you don't t feel up to it after a pretty hefty weekend with the work lot and still feeling the effects of Friday on a Sunday I decided to give it a miss as per my face below.

Now most people spend a good 5 or 10 minutes washing their hair and that's that..... Curls are a lot of maintenance and a lot of patience to get that pattern ON POINT and this is even worse when you have super thick hair like me. We gotta deep condition, finger detangle, shampoo, condition and moisturise which for me can take a while. I'll be honest I will end up doing a wash & go at some point but this week my life will be my hair tied up and in buns.

My Life this week consists of my hair up, a half up do and of course my lifesaver is always a BUN!

Any body else only wear their curls down 2/3 times a week and then just survive in their buns and up do's for the remainder of that week?!

Just a thought for the day...

Love Curly G


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