A world full of Kardashians


I went shopping with my 4year old niece a few weeks and when we were looking at the barbie dolls she said something that really bugged me. When I asked her which barbie she liked the most she responded with "I only like the Barbie's with blonde hair" and she followed this statement with "I only like really super long hair".

I don't know about anyone else but these comments really upset and frustrated me that such a beautiful and smart young child already had such a wrong impression of what she imagined was perfect and of what beauty was.

This got me thinking that if a 4 year old can be persuaded by society this the norm of beauty then we are failing as the older generation to educate and inspire these children.

We need to be very careful with the values and self-love we teach the younger generations after us..... the sooner we accept and learn to love who and what we are including our variation of skin tones, variation of hair textures and variations of body types, the sooner we can effortlessly and unconsciously can pass down the same self-love and acceptance to our younger generations.

I definitely feel my generation of young women who have grown up in a Kardashian filled media society have got an overwhelming pressure to look perfect. In a world where contouring to make your face have more definition, slimmer nose, thicker lips and waist trainers for a small waist, big butt and perfect hair.

We are loosing the very essence of natural and being confident within ourselves but instead obsessing with perfection. Where's the individuality when everyone looks similar instead of celebrating our unique beauty?..... Don't get me wrong I'm all for perfect makeup and looking good but to the extent of obsession where we won't post a photo on Instagram without editing it?

Some of us don't even look like ourselves anymore because we all want to blend in and do what everyone else is doing..... What values are we teaching all these beautiful young girls at the very early stages in their life that your pretty but you can always be prettier instead of teaching them "You are enough just the way you are" that there is not always a need to enhance or alter yourself to look like the pretty girl you've seen on Instagram or the model you've seen in the magazine.

We need to rejoice in the different skin tones, hair textures, facial & bodily features, cultures, personalities and the younger generations of women will automatically learn to appreciate each other and to embrace their own natural beauty.

Just a thought that's been bugging me.....

Love Curly G



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